Frontend Development
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It is very common nowadays to confuse the role of front-end developer with a web designer, as both are distinct functions. Front-end development gives life to the work of a web designer and is the face of your website. Those pretty fonts and colors and everything that makes you look hefty. The frontend development takes care of every part of interaction with the user on a website. Frontend web development companies use many different languages, frameworks and scripts when creating a custom web design and many of those are outlined below. If you’d like to find out more about frontend development for your website, NeoTech Solutions is happy to help you.
The only language that the browser can interpret for the content view is HTML. Today we hear a lot about HTML5 being the future of the web, but the reality is that this technology is already omnipresent. Because of its capabilities as impressive and high standard, we can say with confidence that anything involving HTML5 will have a great impact on the Internet.

CSS3 is the latest evolution of the Cascading Style Sheets language used to customize appearance of the pages within a site. This encoding, which is closely linked to the source code of the HTML, allows developers to focus on the content of each page, allowing a single CSS file to control the presentation and appearance of the website. Being an independent language, CSS3 loads a lot faster than its precursors and is pretty well compatible with all the browsers available.
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML travel documents, handle events, create animations and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. JQUERY is designed to change the way we write JavaScript. There are several advantages of using JQUERY, for its simplicity, ability to make websites more interactive, cross browsing and its infinite possibilities.

Compatible with HTML5 and CSS3, this framework allows you to create responsive layouts and use grids, allowing your content to be organized for up to 12 columns that behave differently for each resolution. It’s the perfect framework to create a responsive layout. It also have the ability to add JavaScript plugins for more advanced development of a website.
ANGULARJS is a SPA (Single Page Application) framework, which allows the web page to work without reload and behave like an application. It also has the ability to change the whole style of the page without having to mess around with a single line of code. So designers can maintain the same modus operandi that was already used.

NODE.JS was built on top of the V8 engine that interprets JavaScript, created by Google and also used in the widely used browser, Chrome. Node.js is gaining wide popularity in the industry due to its asynchronous input/output model that ensures high performance and scalability for real time network applications.
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